What is the Lasagna Method?

The Lasagna Method is an organic practice used to create a nutrient-rich garden bed without tilling or digging. It starts by creating layers that stack on top of each other, eventually compost (break down) and work its way into the soil to provide nutrients to your garden. All you need is time and materials!

Begin at planting and repeat 2-3 months in containers and every 3 months in the ground or raised beds that are open to the ground below.

For Tomatoes
Layer in the order presented . . .

1. Organic Fertilizer – 2 cups for each plant
2. Worm-gro Worm Castings – ¼ inch layer
3. Bumper Crop Soil Amendment or Paydirt with Nrich – ½ inch layer

For All Other Veggies
Layer in the order presented . . .

1. Organic Fertilizer as listed on the bag
2. Worm-gro Worm Castings – ¼ inch layer
3. Bumper Crop Soil Amendment or Paydirt with Nrich – ½ inch layer