Red Maples have multi-season interest with lush green summer foliage which provides shade and fall color. They are deciduous, so they will drop their leaves in the winter. Red Maples are perhaps the most vibrant fall foliage color you can find!
The best time to plant a Red Maple is Fall, right before they go into winter dormancy. You can read more about why you should plant trees in the Fall here.
Read more about the varieties we carry at the nursery below.
Acer ‘Mesa Glow’
An upright oval form, this variety grows 28′ tall by 18′ wide. It has glossy dark red leaves in the summer and orange-red and orange leaves in the Fall. Click here for images and more information.
Acer ‘Armstrong Gold’
A very narrow form, growing 40′ tall by 12′ wide. The summer color is medium green, followed by golden orange leaves in the Fall. Click here for images and more information.
Acer’ Armstrong’
Not to be confused with ‘Armstrong Gold’, Armstrong is a fast growing upright tree up to 45′ tall and 15′ wide. Summer leaves are medium green while the fall color is yellow to orange. Click here for images and more information.
Acer ‘October Glory’
A Central Valley favorite! The form is broadly oval to round and grows 40′ tall by 35′ wide. It is the variety that colors up the latest.
Photos by Monrovia
Acer ‘Redpointe’
A broadly pyramidal form, growing 45′ tall by 30′ wide. Deep green leaves follow bright red foliage for Fall. Click here for images and more information.
Acer ‘Pacific Sunset’
An upright, spread form growing 30′ tall by 25′ wide. Very glossy green leaves in the summer and orange, red, and yellow leaves in the Fall. Click here for images and more information.
Acer ‘Ruby Sunset’
A rounded form which grows 25′ tall by 20′ wide. Attractive glossy green foliage in the summer and deep red in the Fall. Click here for images and more information.
Acer ‘Urban Sunset’
A narrow, pyramidal form that grows 35′ tall by 20′ wide. Glossy green foliage turns to deep red for Fall. Click here for images and more information.
Acer ‘Highland Park’
An upright and pyramidal form with thick leaves grows 35′ tall and 22′ wide. Click here for images and more information.
If you are interested in planting a Maple as a shade tree, we can help you choose the right one for your yard, and how to plant it! Drop by the nursery to get help from our expert staff.