While the winter months may demand less intensive upkeep for your garden, there are several essential tasks you should still prioritize to promote the health and vitality of your lawn as it emerges in the spring.
Clear your lawn of fallen leaves
This is a very important step to ensure you don’t have dead spots in the lawn or invite diseases. Simply rake the leaves and add to your compost pile or use the leaves for a mulch in garden beds.
Reduce the frequency of watering
If you haven’t done so already, it is time to reduce the number of days you water your lawn. The frequency for this time of year is 3-5 days apart. For more watering tips, read our blog post, “WaterWise Lawn Care.”
Seed/overseed your lawn
If you haven’t done so in fall, NOW is the time to seed and overseed your lawn. For tips on Seeding or Sodding a lawn, drop by the nursery to ask us!
Apply pre-emergent to prevent weeds
A pre-emergent prevents your weed seed bank from germinating. If you have unsightly weeds in your lawn during the summer, this is a crucial step. Stop by the nursery and ask for our lawn pre-emergent to get on top of those weeds.