Did you know lettuce is one of the EASIEST vegetables to grow from seed? We have many colorful varieties in stock from Renee’s Garden to create fun salads grown at home! Lettuce is a vegetable heavily sprayed with pesticides when bought at the store–all the more reason to grow it yourself. It also has much more flavor and nutrients because there isn’t transport time involved.

Sweet Greens & RedsRedina

How to Grow

Lettuce is a cool-season vegetable, so gardening doesn’t stop once temperatures drop! Sow seeds directly in the container you plan to harvest from. This can be a shallow container, raised beds, or directly in the ground with healthy soil. Spread the seeds about 1/2″ apart with 1/4″ soil on top. It may seem fun to overseed, so you will get a lot of lettuce, but this isn’t the best method because you will have to thin it later on. Lettuce enjoys mild weather and evenly moist soil.

Sweetie Baby RomaineRed Deer Tongue

How to Harvest

Once the plant starts to form large heads that open, cut the lettuce with scissors and leave about 1″-2″ of leaves left on the plant. This is called the “cut and come again” method, allowing you to harvest multiple times from the same plant.

Some of the varieties we have in stock include:

Flashy Trout BackBaby Oakleaf Heirloom Cutting MixRenee's Caesar Duo Wine Country Mesclun

My favorite are the salad blends! You can grow a tasty salad with different colors and textures all from one seed packet.

Come by the nursery to check out our full inventory of seeds. Happy gardening!