Common Insects and Solutions for the Garden


You may not notice the aphids until the damage is done. You may have new, curled leaves, or the leaves might be sticky. There are many species of aphids that, to the naked eye, are merely different colors. Fortunately, the control for all of them is the same.

How to Control Aphids

It depends on the level of infestation, what they are feeding on and if any insect predators are present. For instance, if I only find a few on a couple of my vegetable plants, I am not alarmed but will monitor it closely, except if they show up on squash, pumpkins or melons, then I treat them right away! In my garden, I rarely need to spray for them since I have a resident colony of lacewing that keeps them in check.

However, aphids can be unmanageable on many ornamentals like shade trees, Crape Myrtles and Roses. To control aphids on these, I recommend a liquid systemic that you mix as directed, then apply by pouring it at the base, which lasts an entire year!

For a spray to use as needed (but no more often than once per week!)  I really like Monterey Take Down.

Hornworms, Budworms, and other undesirable caterpillars

You may find small black droppings on your tomato leaves but are unable to find the culprit. Don’t stress, it’s a Hornworm. They are masters of disguises. You can spray for them or handpick, but the moths are always laying eggs, so you’re always gonna be handpicking or spraying! If you must handpick, go out in the evening and spray the plant with a hard stream of water.

When the caterpillars are disturbed, they whip their heads around, making them easier to spot. They are also more active in the evening. Once you handpick them, feed them to the chickens if you have any or squish them. Just be sure to wear old shoes because it’s a messy job!

On ornamental plants like geraniums, petunias, and million bells, you may not see the droppings, but all of a sudden, your flowers are gone.

If you prefer to spray, use Monterey Garden Insect Spray. Mix as directed and spray once every 7-14 days.


Whiteflies are hard to find on the leaves, but a severe infestation can leave the plants sticky. The first indication that you have a whitefly is when the plant is disturbed, they will fly around. Whiteflies are very small, so you will only see small white “flies” or a cloud. They can infest a plant very quickly since they reproduce every 3-4 days!

Control is possible but takes diligence. First, use a good insecticide like Monterey Take Down and apply as directed. Next in 3-4 days, preferably in the morning, but be sure to avoid the hottest part of the day, spray the plant(s) down with a good shower of water. Then 3-4 days later, repeat the insecticide. Repeat this weekly process until the whiteflies are gone. It should only take 2-3 weeks.

Snails & Slugs

Snails and slugs can be very sneaky sometimes. They usually leave the tale-tell shiny slime trails but not always. The pattern of destruction on the plant is usually the best way to tell. Snails and slugs are one of the two common pests here in California that can devastate plants in a very short time, sometimes overnight! Ever wondered why an entire packet of seeds never came up? Snails and slugs probably ate them as soon as they sprouted! You may have even planted annuals like marigolds and then found them to be nothing but stems the next morning…snails or slugs are the culprits.

The best way to control them is to reduce areas for them to hide (like dense ground cover, patches of weeds, and debris), keep the areas drier if possible since they need cool, moist areas to survive, and bait, bait, bait. Snail baits range in longevity once applied, different active ingredients (some of which are very toxic!), and the texture of the products. My favorite is Sluggo and Sluggo Plus. These are long-lasting baits that are not merely as toxic as other products on the market. You won’t see the dead snails the next morning because when they eat the bait, they stop feeding and move away from the area, often dying back in their hiding places. I recommend baiting at least a week or two before planting in an area to get ahead of them and prevent devastation on your new plants!

So those are the most common insects encountered in a yard or garden. What insects do you struggle with?

If you have a problem that I didn’t address here, you are welcome to bring a fresh sample into The Greenery so our knowledgeable staff can help!