The first pot we’re highlighting features a captivating mix of flora. The deep blues of the Mysty Salvia paired with the bright yellow Moonshine Yarrow make for a dazzling display. The Sun Gold Gazania brings a touch of sunshine regardless of the weather, while the Million Bells chime in with their profusion of tiny blooms. And for those who love a touch of the desert, the Opuntia stands proud.
Another standout container combines the delicate Sierra Star Fairy Duster and the bright Gold Coin Daisy. The fiery tones of the Gaillardia and Desert Flame Buttons set the planter ablaze, complemented beautifully by the soothing Echinacea and the curiously shaped Parrot’s Beak.
Last but not least, one pot is a true haven for those who adore pink. The Angelonia stands tall, looking almost orchid-like, while the Trailing Petunia drapes gently, offering a cascade of blooms. With its patterned foliage, the Coleus provides a backdrop for the towering Skyscraper Pink Salvia, completing this beautiful ensemble.
Our parking lot transformation is more than just a facelift; it’s a testament to how nature can rejuvenate and revitalize any space. We invite you to take a moment during your day to admire these planters and bask in their serene beauty. Whether you’re coming or going, a little pocket of nature is waiting to greet you.